Benefits of Bees: More than the sting & honey

Just the sight of a yellow and black, fuzzy body buzzing around a patio or picnic table can send anyone into panic mode. If a bee stings you, you could be in for a world of hurt. But there’s more to bees than their sting and delicious honey. They play a huge role in the world’s ecosystem.



As a kid, we’re taught bees carry pollen from flower to flower, called pollination. Bees pollinate nearly 85% of the world’s crops. While bees pass most of the pollen they collect on to other plants, they do use some pollen for their food source. This gives them the energy to fly for extended periods of time, gathering and distributing the pollen. With this sustained energy, bees are essential for the world’s crops thriving, enabling humans and animals to survive.


bee honeyHoney

Honeybees are the only insect that produces food for humans, and man is it delicious! Honey is natural and has several health benefits because of its antibacterial properties. Honey is a healthier alternative to high fructose corn syrup in sweets and processed foods since it has no chemicals or human interference.

Civilizations have been using honey as a food source for centuries. It’s found today in many food, drinks, and beauty products. Yes, beauty products. Honey is used as a facial revitalizer and is believed to clear skin and soften wrinkles.

If you suffer from allergies, honey from where you grew up may help your symptoms.  If you have children, some people believe if they’re given honey growing up, they may be able to combat allergies better later in life.


honeycombs for wax and honeyWax

Many people associate beeswax with just candles, but a bee’s wax can actually be in a variety of products including lip balm, chewing gum, furniture wax, and in the waxy coating surrounding cheese. The secretion of the worker honeybee glands create honeycombs that house the honey. These honeycombs are where we harvest the wax for use.



Without bees, a vital part of the food we eat, and subsequently the things we drink and beauty products we use, would cease to exist.